QualityDUROSA is dedicated to produce, high quality machines, equipments and machinery parts.


Based in our Quality Policy, our goal is focused on the manufacture of products that comply with the quality standards required by our customers. We have qualified and highly trained inspection personnel according to ASME standards. We follow the concepts of PFMEA, PPAP’S, and CONTROL PLANS for the first parts in order to guarantee you our quality.

Our Comittment

The management of DUROSA is committed to a Quality policy that focuses on:

  • Internal and external customer satisfaction.
  • Improving the image and reputation of our company on the market.
  • Guaranteeing satisfaction of the stakeholders (customers, users, employees, suppliers).
  • Compliance with contractual commitments explicitly and implicitly.
  • Caring of communication with our customers.
  • The constant development of better human resources.
  • The compliances with existing environment policies.
  • The compliance with the legislation on safety in the workplace.

Equipments of Measure and Control

Description Manufacturer Measuring volume (x,y,z,w…) Measuring accuracy Planning of Calibration
FARO ARM FARO 12ft of range 0.0001″ Year
CMM POLY 900mmx900mmx600mm 0.0001 mm Year
MicroHite BROWN & SHAPE 35″ 0.001″ Year
Calipers Mitutoyo From 6″ to 40″ 0.001″ Year
Bore Gauge Mitutoyo From 1/2″ to 18″ 0.001″ Year
Micrometer Sterret From 1″ to 20″ 0.001″ Year